Sunday, June 7, 2009

Film Noir

One film which is often considered the best of the Film Noir genre is The Maltese Falcon. It starred Humphrey Bogart and Mary Astor. I chose to watch this movie for the simple fact that I was told that this movie was considered to be one of the best of the Film Noir genre. After about a half an hour I began to realize why and I became completely immersed in the film.

The entire film centers around individuals looking to steal a falcon which was originally a gift from the Knights Templar of Malta to the king of Spain although the precious cargo was stolen from the ship it was on in 1539. This falcon was supposed to have been made of gold and encrusted with jewels therefore making the piece priceless.

I would say that Chinatown was more of a film which allowed viewers to ride along with J.J. Gittes, as witnessed with the numerous camera shots from the back seat of detective Gittes while driving. In the Maltese Falcon, director John Huston seems to put the viewer in detective Sam Spades point of view in essence making the viewer Sam Spade.

Of these two Film Noir movies I would say that both films were entertaining although if I must recommend one to see it would be without a doubt The Maltese Falcon.

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